
How to balance your life


So – this is something I have not yet mastered!

I work in a pretty time consuming industry – estate agency – so i work from 8:30-6pm Mon,Tues,Wed, Fri, 8:30am – 7pm on a Thursday then 9am-4pm every other Saturday. This month however it has been every Saturday, so I have basically been working 50 hour weeks.

On top of this I decided to do PIIT28 – I got to my heaviest weight again in Winter 2016 and to be honest I felt insecure, sluggish and just a bit MEH! So I decided to kick start 2017 I’d start with PIIT28 as I have done blogilates calendars before but I wasn’t strict enough on myself.

I love the feeling I get once I’ve done it and when I see results – but it means getting up at 6am before work and killing myself doing the workout.

I also train for football once a week, with a match every Sunday (usually – thankfully we have a few weeks off so I can actually have ONE day off a week yey!)

I also like running twice a week, for several reasons – it helps with my stamina at football, it’s what makes me feel the best once I’ve finished it, but also it’s good for my mental health to get out in the air and just forget and run!

So… alongside work and fitness, I also have a home to run, I need to come home and cook tea every night, I have a boyfriend sat at home that I try to spend time with, even if it is just sitting in the same room doing separate things, I have friends that I need to see but sometimes I forget I’ve even made plans!

As much as I love PIIT28, I’m looking forward to it finishing this Sunday so I can slow down a little!

This is also why there wasn’t an Eat Smart Sunday last week – I went out Saturday evening to see my friends and Sunday I spent the day with my parents I miss them a huuuuge amount and they mean so much to me so I went for a run with my dad, then a meal with both mum and dad then the cinema after.

It’s so important to make time for the people that you love, don’t forget that.

Has anyone else got this balance your life thing down to a T? I would love to hear what you do to make life work!

Much Love




A Bad Day Is Not a Bad Life

Why Hello!

So…. yesterday was a bad day!

It started off with coming into work to a snotty email from a client, then it was down hill from there. Putting pressure on myself, management putting pressure on, unhappy clients, hours of work being turned away.. I felt well and truly not cut out for the job, by lunch time I walked out of the office and had a mini-break down in my car.

Yesterday I considered going straight back to the happy pills. Am I feeling like this because I’m not on the tablets? Is it just because it’s nearly ‘that time’ of the month? Is it just a bad day…

I’m pleased to say I didn’t go back to the pills, my mum recommended that I note the days where I feel like this so we can see if there’s a pattern or if my issues are coming back and things like that.

I am pleased to report that today was a MUCH BETTER day!

Here’s my list of tips for when you’re having one of ‘those’ days because lets face it – we all have them!

  • Breathe – calm yourself down – whatever it is, it’s not the end of the world!
  • Listen to some of your favourite music and either relax – or sing that little heart of yours out (I thoroughly enjoy belting out a bit of Adele in my car when I’m feeling frustrated). I like to listen to relaxing music like Gabrielle Aplin, where as others may want up beat happy music!
  • Surround yourself with people you love. Go have a cuddle with your parents or a loved one or even your bestie!
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise. I had football training last night – did I want to go? No.. I wanted to stuff my face with a takeaway, but by going it’s a distraction for one, but I personally always feel SO much better afterwards and I guarantee you probably will too.
  • Treat yourself – Whether it be a bubble bath with a nice Lush bath bomb, eating some chocys or having a glass of wine. Do something that is a treat and comforting to you 🙂
  • Finally.. Just remember the good things you have in your life. I have an amazing supportive family, my parents are my world, I have a boyfriend who I love to pieces that I live with and I have my health. I have read about many tragic events this week and it puts things into perspective when I’m having a mini break down over two hours of work when others are fighting battles and dealing with losses.

A bad day, does not mean a bad life. Yes I am now off of my tablets because I felt better, but that doesn’t mean I will never have a bad day.

Keep strong and most importantly talk to someone ❤

What do you like doing when you’re having a crappy day?

Much Love

LJ xo


Best Bits of 2016

Well hello strangers, I know… I disappeared yet again. I am determined (for real this time) that I’m actually going to keep this up now. It’s really blooming hard trying to find the right balance in life but I’m getting there!

So, I wanted to have a chat about the best bits of 2016 first.

  1. I got back on the fitness wagon! I lost a stone (only intended to lose about 8lbs) and I toned up – only issue is I then went on holiday, then it was birthdays and christmas and it all went down hill so I’m sort of back to square one now but hey ho! I actually enjoy working out now so that’s the best bit. I have MISSED running?! I never thought I’d say those words! But because of how dark it is in the mornings / early evening I haven’t been able to run around my work schedule but my lovely parents bought me some hi-vis clothing as a christmas present. In the last few days I’ve already done two 3km runs… not as good as before but you have to build up slowly!
  2. Following on from the above, I completed a 5km race… I never thought I’d do that, my dad always is like come on… do it with me… if I can do it you can etc etc, so I actually did it and I was so bloody proud!
  1. 5km-run
    Here’s a pic of me and dad after just finishing – proud moments! 🙂

    3. I left my old job and started something completely new. This was a fricking scary move!! I loved my job when I was doing certain things, however I then got promoted – which was great, but I didn’t enjoy the new role and they wouldn’t let me go back to my old position, also there was always quite a negative atmosphere in the offices – this isn’t something you want to be around when you suffer from anxiety and depression. It got to the point where every Sunday I would get all worked up and upset about having to face work for the next week and that’s not right. I had no idea what else I could do as I went into this job from an apprenticeship, then I saw a job as an admin at an estate agents – mum pointed out to me that that was something I had wanted to do  (not that I remember) and so… I went for it! Low & behold I got the job and I am now so much happier. I absolutely love the guys I work with, even my manager offers to help me when I have a lot of work going on, I cry laughing on a weekly basis and we are a team – that’s the best bit!

    4. I removed as much negativity from my life as possible, I try my hardest to focus on the positives and surround myself with people that I love, that love me and that make me happy. If I don’t want to go out one weekend because I’m not a hugely social person – I don’t work myself up about it anymore – I just say no sorry not tonight guys! But more often than not I do go out – and even though I try to keep it for just a few hours I do have a good time. With social anxiety it is very hard because you don’t want to go out but when you’re on your own and all your friends are out having fun it makes you very low – but I can talk about that more on another post!

    5. Family time! This year my sister and brother-in-law who live in Australia (but temporarily are now living in Bali – life of luxury, I know!) came over to visit for a month or two as it was my dad’s 50th birthday. For the week of his birthday we all went to Centre Parcs so that’s my mum, dad, two sisters, my brother all of their partners plus myself and Rhys – and my lovely little niece too! It was so nice having the quality time together and we made lots of beautiful memories. The best two memories were going for my longest run so far with my dad round the forests – lovely bit of daddy daughter bonding time! And then we went for a big family meal and it absolutely chucked it down – I have never seen it rain so much in my life – it actually flooded in my hometown, which for Norfolk, UK is quite rare! But yeh we basically got to the restaurant, looked like we had swam through a lake, my dad had to actually ring his shirt out it was that wet… But we all looked a mess together and it was one of those you have to laugh or cry moments but we certainly laughed!

    6. Finally – the best part of 2016 is that my gorgeous fella and I bought our first house and I love it! The process was amazingly quick and smooth if I’m honest! We were very lucky. I struggled at first as I was upset about leaving my mum and dad but I was super excited for this next adventure. So if you’re moving out soon and are worried it’s not normal to be upset – it is normal! It’s a lot of emotions to be dealing with! I myself am super close to my parents, especially with the battles that 2015 threw at me – so it was hard, but I think of it as I’m literally a 5 minute drive, one sister lives on the other side of the world and the other lives a 5 hour drive away, so I’m very lucky.


So all in all – on a personal level 2016 couldn’t have been much better. I know there were so many tragedies in the world alongside political madness and I think daily about how I can try to have an impact on those things but hopefully one day we will get there.

How was your 2016? If you had a crap year don’t let it bring you down – 2017 is your time to shine! 2014/2015 almost ruined me but I pulled myself out of it and hey look at me now!!

I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic 2017 and I shall try to keep in touch a bit more regularly this year 😉

Much love xoxo



Adult Life

Hi guys so I have some news for you…

The boyfriend and I…. have just had an offer accepted on our first house!!

I am super excited, I love the house, it’s a little small but easily big enough for two and it’s modern inside and has been very well looked after so all it needs is a lick of paint, which is great!

If timing goes right we could potentially get the keys at the end of November – this would be ideal as we actually have a week off then for my birthday! What a birthday present that would be!!

Have any of you moved out for the first time? I’m turning 22 in a couple of months, my Mr is 24 so we aren’t THAT young to be moving out. I’m feeling a lot of emotions right now, I’m super excited to be living with my other half and starting this journey together and I’m only about 5 mins away from my current home too. But I’m also sad in a way, I think it’s because I’m really going to miss my mum and dad as at the moment we are very close and I’ve had a lot of stuff happen in my life over the last 2 years and they’ve helped me through so much. The fact I have always lived in this house and never moved probably doesn’t help either as I will definitely be missing this house!

If anyone can give me any advice, or comfort me in saying its normal to feel all of these emotions I’d really appreciate it! As I said, I am so excited! I just can’t imagine not being with my parents I guess.

Much love to you all!!