Health & Beauty

Tropic Beauty Party

Evening all!

Last weekend my very talented friend & nail tech hosted a Tropic beauty party, as her sister has recently become an ambassador.

I’ve heard a lot about Tropic recently & I knew a little bit about them but not a lot. So I was very intrigued to learn more and see what the hype is all about.

Tropic 4.PNGTropic Skincare is a beauty brand founded by Susie Ma, who started her journey at just 15 years old in 2004. In 2011 Lord Alan Sugar took notice of her after she appeared on the apprentice and he became a 50/50 partner. This skincare brand is just about as natural as you can get. They do not test on animals, they are cruelty free, gluten free, suitable for vegans, they do not contain toxic chemicals like some drug store brands may do. They are even free of bees wax/ honey because you know.. we need to save those bees.

I see a lot of sales things around now-a-days; Juice Plus, Herbalife, Younique etc, but I genuinely see tropic as something you physically cannot purchase on the high street. It’s not putting toxins into your body to get some unrealistic result. It is pure and natural ingredients Tropic 2to help you and your skin live a healthy life.

The first thing we were shown was Tropic’s staple product. The Body Smooth. Now this made my skin feel bloody glorious when you rinsed it off! This was the product that started Susie Ma’s journey. At just 15 she made 50 jars, went on down to Greenwich Market in London and sold the whole lot. Pretty impressive huh!

They have all sorts of things, varying from face masks, shower gels, foot treatments, makeup. You name it, they probably do it!

To me, the brand does seem a little bit on the expensive side but not because it’s not worth it, as it really is quite good! Just hear me out… any skin care is expensive to me, because I’m one of those awful humans that uses makeup wipes instead of cleansing… I know, I’m sorry! I do think the products are fantastic, but from going to £0 to £16 for a cleanser, or £54 for the full ABC Skincare collection. I just don’t know if I can do it.

I would really like to buy some products but I am a bit short on the ££££ this month as I had a couple of extra expenditures last month and I already have a haircut & massage booked in for March so that takes a chunk of my “treat yo’self” money. But maybe next month if I can figure out which item I’d like to purchase first!

Have you used Tropic Skincare? What are your fave products, any recommendations?

LJ xo
Tropic 4



Why Hello There…


I’m back again… maybe… who knows!

I got lost in life over the past couple of years and let me tell you… it has been a JOURNEY.

2017 was a tough year, 2018 just got tougher but I got out the otherside, I always do!

Anyways, I have a little motivation in me again (hah… get it) so thought I’d give this another whirl! If I’m honest, I’d love to start a youtube channel as I have spent a good chunk of my life binge watching youtube. But I just don’t have the balls for it, so baby steps!

I want to try and make this blog a little bit like a diary… but not too personal! That way I think I may be able to keep up with it a little better. I keep having ideas of things I could do but they never turn out quite as I planned. For now I just want to babble about my thoughts and I’m going to try not to worry to much about how pictures and things look!

This weekend my OH has been working so it’s just been me and the doggo (who I totally just realised I’ve not mentioned on here yet because we got him in 2017!). He’s my amazing sidekick. I went for a walk this afternoon with him as the weather is B.E.A.UUUUUtiful and it made me come up, do a little bit of spring cleaning then hop onto the computer to write this blog post!
Dennis 1


Anyway… that’s just my little re-introduction for the 500th time.  Fingers crossed I manage to stick around this time.

If any bloggers have any tips for people just starting out, any inspiration for things I could write about please let me know! At the moment I think I’ll just talk about whatever I feel like talking about because I don’t think I have a ‘niche’ but any guidance would be amazing!

Big Love

LJ xo


Missed you!


I know I’ve been rubbish with this already I’m sorry 😦

I’ve been super busy plus kind of stuck on what to talk about! I have lots of things I’d like to say and have my little rants and such over but I don’t think any of it will be of interest to people.

But I suppose this blog needs to be for me and what I like, not what I think other people will like. It’s a hard balance it seems!

As much as I love the blogging community, youtube is my obsession, but I don’t think I’ll ever have the confidence to do that other than the odd singing video.

Anyways, I’ve been on ‘holiday’ for the last week – not your usual summer holiday to Greece or anything like that but my boyfriend and I travelled up to Sunderland to stay with my sisters and my beautiful little niece! We then spent a night in a hotel in Newcastle along Quayside and the next day got a train to Edinburgh for the day! This was mainly for our anniversary which is next week… I cannot believe how quickly that’s gone! I’ll tell you the story of us another time! But yeh it was a little early break away to celebrate a year of him putting up with my weirdness! ^.^

I got up at 6am this morning to go for a 5km run – I know I’m mad! Plus it’s getting sort of late and I have a pointlessblog vlog to watch so I best be off so I can try get some sleep.

Sorry this is a bit of a rambly one! I thought I better just drop by and note that I am still alive and I was feeling a little low this evening so I thought a ramble might help! Maybe I should use this like a diary… hmmmm!!!

Anyways goodnight peoples! 🙂
